Restaurant Participant Information

Looking to showcase a special dish or two to hundreds of potential customers? Scroll down to fill out the form to lock in your participation!

Curious about the benefits of participation? Check out the data here.

Restaurant tables should be staffed during the event and during pre-event set-up and post-event breakdown.

Participants shall also agree to provide a minimum amount of samples for 700 - 900 individuals, including napkins, tasting plates, and any utensils needed to serve and consume their food samples.

Restaurant service times will be 5:30PM – 9:30PM.

VIP Option
During the event, there will also be a separate VIP experience for 350 guests in an exclusive connected space. The VIP experience will include tours of the whiskey distillery, specialty tastes and cocktails, plus a VIP gift bag.

Some restaurants may choose to have a special chef or mixologist demonstration as a part of their VIP option.

Select restaurant participants who indicate interest in this option on the form below will be contacted with additional details, if available.

Additional options included for VIP restaurant participants include:
- Minimum 350 specialty tastes for VIPs
- Opportunity to provide 350 VIP gift bag items
- Your company listing on signage at Taste of Buckhead
- Your company listing on all event promotions

The following will be provided to all restaurant participants:
- One 6’ table and 1 bar back table at Taste of Buckhead to provide samples to attendees
- Three complimentary event tickets for staff
- Additional tickets are available for purchase for 50% off current pricing
- Opportunity to provide give-away in VIP bags (min. quantity of 350 needed)
- Your company listing on signage at Taste of Buckhead
- Your company listing on event promotions
- Special discount code to promote Taste of Buckhead participation on social media

If interested in participation, please fill out the digital form below: